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  • Discord安卓版是专为游戏用户打造的一款跨平台语音和文本聊天应用,你便可以在即使是远离键盘的情况下使用语音和消息和队内成员进行语音聊天,查看谁在线上,并收到你可能错过的消息。


    Discord is the only cross-platform voice and text chat app designed specifically for gamers.

    With the Discord Android app you can stay connected to all your Discord voice and text chat channels even while AFK. It is perfect for chatting with team members, seeing who is playing online, and catching up on text conversations you may have missed.

    Download Discord and experience modern game chat:

    - Voice chat: Join voice channels and chat with your group

    - Real-time messaging: Share video, images, and text in rich chat

    - Push notifications: Never miss a thing with @mentions and direct messages

    - Instant Invite: Easily add friends to your voice server by sharing the Instant Invite link

    - Direct messages: Send one-to-one private messages

    - Multiple server support: Manage all your game chat groups in one client

    - Organizable channels: Keep discussions on topic through structured communication


    * Added a voice connection quality indicator to the UI, three green bars means five gold stars, plz review (unless it's bad, in that case carry on).

    * User settings given a UI refresh, more material, more fresher-er.

    * Added some additional helpful UI to our captcha screens, the help is real.

    * Enable automatic voice detection sensitivity meter in the settings.

    * Added main UI navigational accessibility hints - more to come (soon(tm))!

    * Added support for new hype-squad house badges, finally.


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