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  • Project:Battle安卓版是一款网易国外吃鸡新手游,游戏神似堡垒之夜。采用火爆的吃鸡类型玩法,科幻的游戏题材,在游戏中你需要收集武器资源,打造自己的堡垒或者防御工事,感兴趣的话快来下载体验吧。



    Dear Wanderers,

    Pleased to make your acquaintance, allow me to introduce our game, Project : Battle.

    Project:Battle (Alpha Test) is a sandbox competitive mobile game. It combines many elements such as survival action, fierce gunfights, fast-paced building, tactical camouflage and exploration. It will deliver a completely new gaming experience. The game takes place in the not so distant future, where, due to the technological development of mind cells, humanity has opened up another dimension - the quantum virtual world. In this new world, a series of events between justice and evil, conservatism and radicalism has erupted. Which path will you choose?

    In the quantum virtual world, you can become the leader of the Wanderers Celestial, who represents justice and order. Or become Zero, who is the No.1 cyber hunter. Then jump into vivid, well-developed interwoven stories that are filled with fresh and distinctive characters.

    Our heroes of this new world possess an absolute superpower, the ability to manipulate Quantum Cube energy into various structures. Create a 12-meter-high watchtower to provide protection and a tactical advantage, set up traps to freeze enemies, forge radars to detect your enemy whereabouts and more. Everything is under your control. Quantum Cube energy can easily be obtained in the quantum virtual world by breaking down various objects found on the battleground, such as refrigerators, street lamps, fences, etc.

    I hope that Project : Battle can bring you a completely new experience. However, as it is currently in the alpha testing phase, the game is far from perfect. If you encounter any problems while exploring this virtual world, such as unexpected errors or crashes during gameplay or if you have any suggestions to improve the gaming experience, please let me know. You can contact the team by hitting Feedback in the game. I very much appreciate your understanding and support. Your enthusiasm and love for the game will be the source of the team's continued efforts.


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